
Healthy Foods Stay on Trend

After all these decades, Mediterranean foods continue to be the flagship category in the deli. But while venerable Mediterranean products remain vibrant and growing, the pandemic and its economic aftermath changed everything about what consumers […]


Hallmarks of Effective Food Safety

The numbers are staggering. According to the World Health Organization, an estimated 600 million— almost one in 10 people in the world—fall ill after eating contaminated food and 420,000 die every year, resulting in the […]

Cover Story

Make Sandwiches a Destination

The deli has a unique opportunity to make itself a destination for sandwiches, a multi-billion-dollar category in foodservice that figures to keep growing. Whether the fare is conveniently pack- aged for grab-and-go convenience or skillfully […]

Deli Meats

The Art of Artisan Salami

Salami has a long and rich culinary history pre-dating the Roman Empire. The word’s origin is rooted in the Latin word salumen, meaning to salt. Justabout every region or town had its own recipe, with […]

Prepared Foods

Making a Meal Destination

Prepared foods have definitely been taking over deli departments, not only creating meal destinations that are giving today’s restaurants a run for their money, but also raising basket rings for retailers. New York City-based market […]

Deli Meats

Roast Beef Remains a Staple

One thing’s certain: meats like roast beef aren’t getting out of dodge, notes Roxanne Johnson, president of RJ & Associates in Houston. “Consumers aren’t giving up beef, poultry or pork. Meat is here to stay,” […]

Deli Meats

Turkey Stays on Top

It’s time to talk a little turkey. And why not, given that more shoppers are eating it up. According to data published in Chicago-based Winsight Grocery Business’ “Consumer Perishable Databook,” when it comes to meat […]

Deli Meats

Profitable Proteins Prevail

Supermarket deli section meats are drawing crowds. According to data published in Chicago-based Winsight LLC’s “Consumer Perishable Databook,” the deli actually outpaces most other departments, with consumers still turning to the deli for prepared everyday […]

Deli Meats

Spotlighting Salami Made in the USA

Salting, fermenting and air-drying are among mankind’s oldest food preservation techniques. In Roman times, pork prepared in this way was part of a group of foods called ‘salsum’ or salted. It’s from this ancient term […]