ITALY — The Consortium for the Protection of Asiago Cheese, as Lead Proposing Organisation, in partnership with the Speck Alto Adige Consortium, announces (via publication in the Official Journal of the European Union GU/S: OJ S 62/2024 27/03/2024) the launch of a call for tender by means of an Open Competitive Procedure, for an “ implementing Body”, in charge of carrying out information and promotion activities within a three-year programme with will be presented to the European Commission in compliance with the Eu Regulation n.1144/2014 – Call AGRIP-SIMPLE 2024 using Asiago PDO cheese and Speck Alto Adige PGI as testimonial products.
The programme will take place in the USA and the UK with the aim of increasing and improving knowledge of the European Union’s agrifood production excellence through the concrete example set by the two Programme testimonials. At the same time, it will aim to increase their competitiveness, market share and consumption and contribute to the realisation of the European Commission’s priorities for the promotion of more sustainable and healthy production systems and consumption, expressed in particular in the European Green Deal and the Farm to Fork Strategy.
The call for proposals, worth a total of €2,486,000.00 excluding VAT for three-year activities starting indicatively in February/March 2025, envisages dedicating 67% of resources to activities in the USA and the remaining 33% to the UK, and calls for a structured information and promotion programme for high-quality agricultural and food and wine products with public relation, advertising, events, and web activities.
The deadline for the recepition of proposals has been sent for April 18th 2024 at 5:30 pm.
All documents are available at the following link: https://asiagocheese.it/en/the-asiago-cheese-protection-consortium-in-partnership-with-the-the-speck-alto-adige-consortium-launches-a-tender-for-a-three-year-communication-campaign-in-the-usa-and-the-uk/
Further information can only be requested by email and addressed to Lisa Chilese at l.chilese@formaggioasiago.it with ‘EU 2024 Call for Proposals’ in the subject line.