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Space on the grocery floor is limited, Conroy recommends a 14- by 20-inch base that holds four cases of product. To further enhance this strategy, they market products with seasonal displays.
Conroy uses full-color, attractive header cards to complement their shippers full of their colorful array of condiments on a simple shipper. “You just need to provide a solution for the consumer — you don’t need to wow them with expensive fixtures,” says Tom Orlando, national sales director. “More and more retailers have a pre-packed deli area for the consumer that does not want to wait in line. These consumers grab some pre-sliced cheese, ham, turkey, and right above the grab-and-go case, you have a selection of condiments that this consumer will also grab, and their purchase decision is done.”
Conroy Foods has a customizable seasonal shipper program that includes four 12/8 cases of product and a full-color header with the following themes: Everyday, Holiday, Easter, Summer Sizzle, Patriotic and Tailgate.
Conroy Foods has developed a Deli Condiment Shipper Program for its Beano’s Original Deli Condiment brand, which features seasonal display cards to customize and capture the deli or seasonal theme that the retailer is targeting. There are six header cards depicting seasonal themes, and all these headers are inter-changeable on the shipper base. Depending upon the holiday or event, they have a themed header card and the product mix to match.

Shippers are self-contained in one box. They’re easy to assemble, take 3-5 minutes to build, and include four shelf-ready packages of product.
Orlando says the entire premise of cross-merchandising is one of simplicity. According to him, it is common sense to place complementary products close to primary driver purchase items, because everyone is time-starved when shopping. Busy consumers who make school lunches for the kids will select sliced meats and cheeses, and right there while they are waiting for their deli order, retailers can position Beano’s condiments with bread rolls or flatbreads to make a complete occasion fulfillment.
Expand on your pairings para-digm and stretch your pref-erences when thinking about creative cross-merchandising opportunities. “With shelf-stable condiments, we are able to be placed anywhere in the store. Our Balsamic Dressing merchandised by the bagged salads gave the consumer the option of saving a trip to the salad dressings area and provided an easy placement opportunity,” says Orlando.
- Small footprint given the limited space in the deli.
- Easy set up.
- Display near the deli counter or pre-packaged grab-and-go deli items.
- Provide a solution for the consumer.
- Don’t overwhelm with expensive fixtures because floor space is always an issue.
- Provide a pre-packed deli area for the con-sumer who does not want to wait in line. Right above the grab-and-go case, have a selection of condiments consumers will also grab.
- Simplicity. Everyone is time-starved when shopping (read delivery and curbside pick-up). If we make the trip as convenient and satisfy-ing, we all win.

100 Chapel Harbor Drive, St 2 Pittsburgh, PA 15238
P: 412-781-1446 • F: 412-781-1409
to@conroyfoods.com • www.conroyfoods.com